Hi guys, I use the MT880 Huawei router for my broadband connection. I use the connection not as a dialled one as mentioned here but as a gateway; meaning, you can just open your favourite browser and start surfing the internet.

When I use the router as a gateway, I cannot give my system IP address to my friends to test any webpage because the router acts as a proxy. The only solution for this is port redirection. Port redirection means that a request on a particular system on a particular port will be redirected to another system on another port.

I had been trying in and out to configure the “Virtual Server” section to redirect to my system but in vain. Today, I found an excellent tutorial in one of the forum threads at vinuthomas.com, explaining the steps to achieve the same. I have downloaded the tutorial and uploaded it again on my server. Download it here and enjoy configuring your MT880 router to run your own web applications.

3 Responses to “Port Redirection for MT880 Routers”

  1. Waves » Blog Archive » Port Redirection for MT880 routers Says:

    […] Read it here. […]

  2. my router ip Says:

    Really good write-up, but that wouldn’t seem to work together with my router ip, any advice?

  3. Aswin Anand Says:

    Are you using MT880?