Blog Camp

June 25th, 2006

It’s happening again 🙂 BarCamp Chennai was an out-standing success. The same crew is now organising BlogCamp – India’s biggest blogging ‘un‘conference, set to happen in Chennai 🙂

The meeting at woodland’s drive inn was truly fun.

Check out more details at the Blog Camp wiki. There are some more exciting details that’s not to be revealed right now 😉

4 Responses to “Blog Camp”

  1. LApstrE Says:

    This time i am stuck in Bangalore…

  2. Aswin Anand T.H. Says:

    Its happening on a sat n sun buddy. Be here. Theres a good surprise waiting 😀

  3. Vasudevan Deepak Kumar Says:


    I am in Chennai. Keep me posted too.

    Thanks and Regards,


  4. Aswin Anand T.H. Says:

    sure 🙂