An ode to Ruby

June 21st, 2008

One of my juniors in college named Satish has written this small wonderful piece on Ruby (programming language).

Ruby makes a programmer smile
even when he’s using while
all the if’ and else’ and do’
reduces the work you do
kernel methods work like charm
conventions make work a form
all the while you reap the fruits
everyone gives java the boots!

Cool ! Ain’t it? 🙂

I had a left a few important files on my USB drive last weekend and was looking for the drive everywhere; but couldn’t find it. Suddenly, I remembered that it was in one of the trousers worn over the weekend. But then, that trouser was completely washed twice, dried and even ironed as of now. Still not sure as to whether the USB drive will be present, I checked the pockets of the trouser and voila! It was there.

USB disk

The connector looked like it had got rusted. But not sure as to whether to use this, I connected it to this very computer and the blue LED started blinking 😀 . The drive was still functional. Amazing! It survived two rounds of washing, rinsing, drying and then ironing. It is a 1GB Transcend drive that I purchased about one and half years back.

Nice USB stick! Nice Company!

I was playing around with Ubuntu & installing a few stuff from the terminal. One problem that quickly became a pain in the rear is that, I had to `sudo` everytime and give a password whenever a command that required admin privileges had to be run. Since, I was installing a few stuff, almost all commands required admin rights. So, without much ado, here’s how to open a terminal with permanent root privileges.

  1. Press Alt+F2. The “Run Application” dialog will pop up.
  2. Type “gnome-terminal” in the dialog and press “Enter”. This will open a new terminal window without admin rights.
  3. Now, in the new terminal window, type “sudo gnome-terminal”. You will be asked for your password. Give your password and press “Enter”. A separate terminal window with root privileges will open now. This is immediately visible because the usual “$” prompt changes to a “#” prompt.

There you go, 🙂 three cool steps to have your terminal with admin rights. If you press “Ctrl+Shift+N” from this new terminal, it will open another terminal window, which also has root privileges.