
March 26th, 2006

Aha!! finally, we have got a fine working demo of our project. Thanks to Moyeen and Sathya, who were working very well and very co-operative. We have uploaded it to an server and after testing it, we will provide the url which you can use to try out our project.

Working on the project was very exciting because it was not a paid project and it was team work. We developed every module from the scratch and encountered lots of problems, which were cleared ASAP, giving us more experience in the technology. As Kiruba says, “I like teamwork and i like winning too“. Thanks for the sentence Kiruba, it works here also 😀

And hey, those of you who don’t know what the project is, its an Email Client for Mobile Devices. We have the 3rd review for the project on 28th of this month and we should be doing fine for it.


9 Responses to “mSync”

  1. Yuvi Panda Says:

    Cool Dude. And, wait a Second… ASP.NET… Mobile… So, is it ASP.NET Mobile Pages ? I was hoping for a .NET CF Application…;)

    Cool. Hope you could beat the hell out of Outlook:D

  2. Aswin Anand T.H. Says:

    Yuvi, right now the app allows you to register for the service and sends u a validation email that you need to verify 🙂

    Couldn’t upload the mobile client to someplace where it can be tested

  3. Kar Says:

    yeah..done wid project long as idea is original the project title does not matter..i m really happy tat its orig..

  4. Aswin Anand T.H. Says:

    thanks machan 😀

  5. Sriram Says:

    congrats man, come help me with my project. 🙂

  6. Mohammed Moyeen.A Says:

    superb da……….good work dude….. 😀

  7. Aswin Anand T.H. Says:

    sure da…my pleasure 😀

    dai..u were a part da 😀

  8. Sudar Says:

    Nice to know that you took pain to actually do the project rather than just buying the documentation done by most of the BE guys.

    Congrats buddy

  9. Aswin Anand T.H. Says:

    yes man…i feel very happy 🙂